Documentary Resources CD-Roms Available Seating Capacity Facilities Available Services Provided

The Library

The AUA library has an area of 1113 m2. It contains the following facilities:


Quantity (number)

Volume of books


Volume of bound journals


Volumes of unbound journals




FAO Publications


Other Documents




Current journal subscription


Current Newspaper Subscription


Maps and Atlases



CD-ROM Databases


Health ...................................................

Education .............................................

General ................................................







Total Seating Capacity

Main Library
  • Reading Hall
  • Basement Reading Hall

Graduate Library

  • Document Centre
  • Periodical Centre
  • Periodical Display Desk
  • Reading Hall (for female students)






    Facilities Available

    • Photocopy machine
    • Microfiche reader
    • Computers with one CD-ROM drive and printer
    • Cataloguing and Binding room
    • Receiving and Display room
    • Stack (publication hall)


    Library Services

    With the facilities available, the following main services are rendered:

    1. Electronic literature Search:

    On the library CD-ROM workstation, list of books, list of articles with abstracts and list of documents with digests are provided from the current and back issues of CD-ROM databases.

    2. Catalogue and loan:

    The Library offers an author, title, and subject divided card catalogue. The Catalogue gives access to information on the stock by author, title and subject. Staff and graduate students may borrow up to 15 items for 5 months.

    Undergraduate students may similarly borrow up to 2 items for 2 weeks. The staff and students are required to return them on the time or renew their loans, as fines are imposed.

    3. Reference and Reserve:

    Reference, periodicals or Journals, and some document Collections are kept in the open access stack of the main library and Graduate Library. Dictionaries are available at corners of Reading Halls. In addition, rare reference materials and some textbooks which are small in number compared to the number of user students are reserved in the circulation desks. All the above collections are organized to be used only in the library.

    4. Inter-Library Loans:

    Materials which are not available in the library can be borrowed from Addis Ababa University Libraries, British Council Library and British Library Document supply center (BLDSC) for graduate students conducting their research, and for the staff.

    5. Photocopying:

    The library provides a photocopy service to the staff and students who intend to have copies of some library materials at reasonable prices.

    6. Library publicity/ Publications:

    The monthly acquired and catalogued lists of books, Periodicals and Documents are provided in the monthly Book Accession Lists, and Periodical and Document Accession Lists. Guides on how to use the catalogue, Guides to periodicals and Descriptions of the available CD-ROM databases are provided.

    7. Acquisition:

    The library provides current and back issue catalogues of journals, books, and equipment. The catalogues are acquired from 25 publishers and distributors around the world. Catalogues of books are available on CD-ROMs as well as on hard copies. Users may suggest list of books, journals, documents and CD-ROMs to the Librarian. The newly acquired books, the latest issues of journals, Documents, Series and pamphlets are displayed upon their arrivals.